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(Minimum order value is £35)

50/50 Cornish White & Brown Crab meat 250g


Delivery date: Wed 2nd Apr

Struggling to choose between white and brown crab meat? Why not enjoy both with this versatile, ready-to-eat duo!

Each pack contains 125 grams of Cornish delicate white crab meat and 125 grams of Cornish flavourful brown crab meat, all meticulously handpicked for quality. With no artificial additives or preservatives, just a touch of natural rock salt is added during cooking and pasteurisation. Perfect for use in Crab Linguine or a special Cornish crab sandwich!

For more product information, including catch location and storage instructions, please click the tabs below.

Warning: Every care has been taken to remove all traces of shell, although some small pieces may remain.

May contain shell and cartilage.

Contains Crustacean.


Typical values per 100g:
Energy 377 kJ, 114 kcal
Fat 3.50g
of which Saturates 0.07g
Carbohydrate 1.7g
of which Sugars 0.104g
Fibre 0.4
Protein 18.8g
Salt 1.95g.

Storage & Preparation:

Keep refrigerated at 0-5°C.

Suitable for freezing.